Project Portfolio

My design life

Listed below is my full portfolio. Please enjoy I hope you find my work interesting and worthwhile.

Bella & Duke Logo

Bella & Duke

2 years+ as a inhouse UX designer working my way through a rebranding transition, total redesign of all digital assets and building an atomic design system for a cat & dog wellness company

Vivid IoV Labs

My freelance work with Vivid Iov Labs, a start up company focused on building next gen apps by leveraging micropayments, using web 3 technologies. This page is currently under development

Street Assist Freelance

Within the last few months I created several pieces for Street Assist, a Edinburgh based charity that aims to help when a night out doesn't go well, providing first aid to assist the emergency services.

D&AD New Blood Awards Entry

My latest submission to D&AD. The brief was to create a platform to help those with mental health issues and other vulnerable customers manage their online banking. Fingers crossed for the results.

Waverley Station Redesign

My final college project, more specifically my Graded Unit. My first real encounter with proper service design, I was tasked with designing the whole station from a UX perspective. P.S. I got an A on this.

ArtFund YCN Entry 2018

One of my earliest projects that I made during my UX training, my project partner and I were tasked with creating a multimedia marketing campaign for the ArtFund Art Pass. An oldy but a goody.

Animation Showreel

A highlight reel of showing the best bits of animation that I have created over the last few years. This showreel features parts of other projects on this site and a few that can't be found elsewhere.

Virgin Aces: D&AD 2019

My first attempt at the D&AD New Blood Awards, while this attempt did not receive any awards from the contest I still feel it hold significance to my developing app designing skills of the time.


This miniature project was an attempt to teach myself how to use Indesign and how to design for a tabley format at the same time. In total a simple but educational experience.

RTA Marketing Campaign

My latest submission to D&AD. The brief was to create a platform to help those with mental health issues and other vulnerable customers manage their online banking. Fingers crossed for the results.